Help - my hair is falling out!
Postpartum hair loss is a common complaint in women - with approximately 88.7% of women experiencing some degree of hair loss in the months after birth.
It can be subtle at first - you might find that your hair seems a little thinner all over your head, or you might notice that you’re ‘shedding’ a little more than usual when you brush or wash your hair for example.
Although you may feel worried about it, remember that this kind of hair loss is common during the postpartum period and is usually temporary.
Pregnancy hormones can affect your body in several different ways. You may have noticed, for example, that your hair became thicker when you were pregnant - or perhaps it was oilier or drier than usual. The hormone oestrogen was responsible for this, making your hair grow faster and less likely to fall out.
However, after giving birth and your hormones level out, you may find that all that extra hair you gained during your pregnancy now starts to fall out.
How long will it take for my hair to return to normal?
Precisely how long it takes the body to recover after childbirth can differ from person to person. Generally speaking, though, postpartum hair loss typically starts soon after giving birth and stops after around three to six months.
How Can You Stop or Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss?
If the hair loss you’re experiencing is caused by the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth, it may simply stop on its own without any treatment at all. Taking the cell salt protocol can be helpful in reducing the likelihood of experiencing postpartum hair loss - and ensuring a healthy, well-balanced diet with plenty of good fats and oils (such as Avocado, nuts, olive oil, and oily fish such as salmon/tuna) and Vitamin A, which contributes to healthy hair growth.
Homeopathic remedies for post-partum hair loss
There is no one remedy-fits-all for post-partum hair loss. When treating a client for this condition I look at their whole symptom picture - this includes their mental/emotional state, how the pregnancy and birth were, any pre-existing conditions, their diet, and more.
Some of the commonly used remedies for post-partum hair loss include:
Nat Mur - This known as one of the top remedies for postpartum hair loss. Typically women needing this notice hair loss at the frontal area of their head (bregma) and can have headaches and anemia post-birth. The patient may have the disposition to weep and likes being outdoors.
Silica - This remedy is excellent for strengthening the hair, eliminates dryness, and is widely used as a growth enhancer. It is one of the 12 tissue cell salts in homeopathy. (Check out my post-partum cell salt protocol)
These patients may also have dry skin and brittle nails, lack confidence and have trouble concentrating.
Lycopodium - This is commonly prescribed for alopecia and is particularly helpful for post-partum hair loss, premature graying, and when the hair loss is noticeable from the vertex then to the temples. The patient may be sensitive, dislikes being alone and could be irritable.
Thuja Occidentalis - This can be indicated for hair loss with white, scaly dandruff. The hair may be thin and dry. The patient may have anxiety in the mornings, feels exhausted is worse from the cold.
Phosphorus - Useful when hair falls out in bunches These patients may be sensitive to exernal impressions (sound/light/odours etc) and may long for icy cold things.
Fluoric Acid - Helpful for hair loss that results in bald spots (alopecia areta). The hair may be dry, tangles easily, and breaks off. These patients may have an aversion to their family, have a low mood, and desire spicy food.
Other remedies include Silica, Sepia, Pulsatilla, Graphites, Phosphoric Acid, and Lachesis.
These remedies are just a guide. For specialist advice, please book an appointment with me here: