Ah Summer.....

Long, hot sunny days. BBQ's, picnics, and ... sealice!!
With the warmer temperatures, these little critters start to spawn, which can make
the refreshing dip in the ocean a little less appealing.
Sea lice refer to small parasitic crustaceans that may cause itching, irritation, or rashes on the skin after contact, commonly during swimming in the ocean.
If you happen to be bitten by one of these ocean pests, Homeopathy can help:
Urtica urens: This is one of the best remedies for itching and burning sensations caused by stings, rashes, or eruptions, such as those resulting from sea lice bites. It is useful when there is intense itching with redness and welts.
Apis mellifica: This remedy is indicated for stings or bites that lead to swelling, redness, and a stinging or burning pain. It is especially helpful when there is significant puffiness or edema around the affected area.
Ledum palustre: Excellent for bites or stings, particularly when there is puncture-like pain and the affected area feels cold to the touch. It can also prevent secondary infection from scratching.
Cantharis: Useful for severe burning and blister formation due to insect bites or irritations from sea lice. It is particularly suited when there is a tendency to develop watery vesicles.
Rhus toxicodendron: Indicated for intense itching and eruptions that feel better from hot applications. This is a great remedy when there is restlessness and discomfort.
Sulphur: Effective for chronic or recurring itching or skin conditions that worsen with heat and scratching. It helps soothe irritated and sensitive skin.
Dosage and Potency
Start with 30C potency, taking 1-2 doses per day. Stop once improvement begins, and consult a qualified homeopath if symptoms persist or worsen.
If severe allergic reactions or signs of infection occur, seek immediate medical attention.